Labor protection at enterprises

What is labor protection

Occupational safety is a system of legal, socio-economic, organizational, technical, sanitary and hygienic and therapeutic and preventive measures and means aimed at preserving the life, health and performance of a person in the process of labor activity.

In accordance with the requirements of the Code of Labor Laws, safe and harmless working conditions are created at all enterprises, institutions, and organizations. Ensuring safe and harmless working conditions is the responsibility of the owner or a body authorized by him.

The working conditions at the workplace, the safety of technological processes, machines, mechanisms, equipment and other means of production, the condition of the means of collective and individual protection used by the employee, as well as sanitary and living conditions must comply with the requirements of regulatory enactments on labor protection.

The owner or a body authorized by him must introduce modern safety measures that prevent occupational injuries and provide sanitary and hygienic conditions that prevent the occurrence of occupational diseases of workers.

The owner or a body authorized by him is not entitled to require the employee to perform work associated with a clear danger to life, as well as in conditions that do not comply with labor protection legislation. The employee has the right to refuse the assigned work if a production situation has arisen that is dangerous to his life or health or the people around him, and the environment.

The owner or a body authorized by him is entrusted with the systematic instructing (training) of employees on labor protection and fire protection.

Employees engaged in work with difficult and harmful working conditions are provided free of charge with therapeutic and preventive nutrition, milk or equivalent food products, carbonated salt water, are entitled to paid breaks for sanitary purposes, reduced working hours, additional paid leave, preferential pension , increased wages and other benefits and compensations provided in the manner prescribed by law.

The main tasks of the labor protection service

So, according to the Model Regulations, the following tasks are assigned to the labor protection service of an enterprise:

  • development of an effective labor protection management system at the enterprise and assistance in improving the activities in this direction of each structural unit and each employee;
  • providing professional support for the employer’s decisions on these issues;
  • organization of preventive measures aimed at eliminating harmful and dangerous production factors, preventing accidents at work, occupational diseases and other cases of threat to the life or health of workers;
  • studying and promoting the introduction into production of the achievements of science and technology, progressive and safe technologies, modern means of collective and individual protection of workers;
  • control over compliance by employees with the requirements of laws and other regulatory legal acts on labor protection, provisions (if any) of an industry agreement, the section “Labor protection” of the collective agreement and acts on labor protection in force within the enterprise.
  • informing and providing explanations to employees of the enterprise on labor protection issues.

Labor protection and overalls

in work with harmful and dangerous working conditions, as well as work associated with pollution or adverse meteorological conditions, employees are issued free of charge according to established standards special clothing, special footwear and other personal protective equipment, as well as detergents and disinfectants. Employees involved in one-time work related to the elimination of the consequences of accidents, natural disasters, which are not provided for by the employment contract, must be provided with the specified funds.

The employer is obliged to ensure at his own expense the acquisition, acquisition, issuance and maintenance of personal protective equipment in accordance with the regulatory legal acts on labor protection and the collective agreement.

In case of premature wear of these means through no fault of the employee, the employer is obliged to replace them at his own expense. In the event that an employee purchases overalls, other personal protective equipment, detergents and disinfectants at his own expense, the employer is obliged to compensate for all expenses on the terms stipulated by the collective agreement.

According to the collective agreement, the employer may additionally, in excess of the established norms, issue certain personal protective equipment to the employee if the actual working conditions of this employee require their use.

Functions of the labor protection service

To fulfill the tasks stipulated by the legislation, labor protection authorities at the enterprise:

  • develop, together with other departments, comprehensive measures, work plans, programs to improve working conditions, avoid industrial injuries and occupational diseases;
  • prepare draft orders on labor protection issues and submit them for consideration to the employer;
  • carry out inspections of compliance by employees with regulatory legal acts on labor protection;
  • prepare reports on labor protection;
  • conduct safety briefings with employees;
  • keep records and analyze the causes of industrial injuries;
  • ensure the proper execution and storage of documentation on labor protection issues, as well as its timely transfer to the archive for long-term storage;
  • draw up, with the participation of the heads of departments of the enterprise, lists of professions, positions and types of work for which instructions on labor protection (safety) should be developed, assist in their development;
  • inform employees about the main requirements of laws, other regulatory legal acts and labor protection acts in force within the enterprise.