Safety equipment and at the enterprise

The system of technical means, organizational measures, norms, which are aimed at preventing exposure of workers to potentially dangerous production factors, is called safety technology. Occupational safety and health is the most important component of general labor protection, it includes training, briefings on specific issues, maintenance of commercial and public buildings in a technically sound condition.

Definition of the concept

Safety engineering is a set of organizational and technical measures that are required to create safe working conditions and prevent industrial accidents. She determines the internal organizational routine, is responsible for ensuring that the process of conducting professional activity is as trouble-free as possible. In factories and other organizations, whole departments are organized to solve tasks, located in the department of the chief engineer, which develop measures aimed at ensuring safe conditions for conducting activities.

Systematic implementation of specialized measures aimed at reducing the risk of injury and eliminating the likelihood of industrial accidents is mandatory. For example, training and professional development in labor protection.

Such measures are mainly reduced to:

  1. improving and finalizing designs of existing equipment to prevent employees from getting injured;
  2. devices on duty, refinement of old designs of existing protection devices for machines, machines, heating installations;
  3. improvement of working conditions – creation of sufficient lighting, ventilation system, arrangement of dust extractors, timely elimination of production waste, maintenance of optimal temperature inside workshops;
  4. elimination of risks of emergency situations during equipment operation, breakage of grinding wheels, minimization of risks of splashing of acids, etc.;
  5. organized instruction of newcomers regarding the rules of conduct on the territory of the enterprise, training, knowledge testing;
    provision of instructions on TV, posters in sufficient quantities.

At the same time, accidents are still possible – in many respects due to workers’ disregard of safety techniques for the operation of power plants, electrical installations, and other equipment. Relevant issues should be covered by the responsible person during the planned briefing. Physically outdated facilities should undergo regular inspections and upgrades. Compliance with the system of rules and norms is monitored by responsible specialists – it is they who must teach the basics of correct work.

Workers who deal with welding points, solvents in production, other dangerous tools, materials must have an appropriate knowledge base on the practice of conducting basic operations.

Industrial labor protection

Occupational health and safety at the enterprise is a set of measures necessary to ensure minimum risk conditions for workers. System directions:

  • cable lines, electrical equipment, lightning protection;
  • prevention of fires, smoke;
  • safe performance of works of various categories;
  • maintenance of equipment in good condition;
  • care of the territory, buildings;
  • neutralization of the negative impact of vibrations, noise, dust;
  • protection of people working in dangerous conditions;
  • staff training (regular briefings in the organization);
  • tracking indicators of the state of health of employees;
  • public monitoring of general TV at the enterprise.

Pay attention! Occupational health and safety regulations at the enterprise regulate the activities of organizations taking into account internal standards. The information necessary for employees regarding the relatively safe performance of work is prescribed in the instructions, as a rule, for each profession separately.