Labor protection and industrial safety

Creating and guaranteeing safe working conditions has been a priority of the Company’s activities since the first day of its establishment. The life and health of our employees is the highest value. Everyone is involved in the issue of occupational safety, from members of the Supervisory Board to ordinary employees. From year to year, the Company implements a set of measures aimed at creating safe working conditions and, as a result, at reducing the level of industrial injuries. And for this, all the necessary financial resources are allocated.

The priority directions of investments in the field of labor protection and industrial safety remain unchanged:

  • creation of safe working conditions at workplaces;
  • providing employees with effective means of personal protection;
  • training and increasing the level of knowledge of personnel on labor safety issues;
  • staff medical care;
  • coordination of fixed assets with the requirements of regulatory and legal acts on labor protection.

Currently, the key direction is the development of a safety culture for all personnel, as well as the development of such an important quality for managers as leadership and commitment to safety issues. For this purpose, a special program of labor protection initiatives has been developed, which is implemented in all business blocks.

On the one hand, work on improving occupational safety in production is aimed at ensuring the safety of workers. On the other hand, to prevent an emergency situation. And here all possibilities are used – from the introduction of new safety standards to the introduction of motivational tools for compliance with the rules.

In order to increase the responsibility of employees of enterprises in the field of labor safety, the mine management has cardinal rules: violators bear disciplinary responsibility up to the point of dismissal.

Occupational health and safety management system and standards

The enterprises have occupational health and safety management systems that correspond to the best global practices. Thus, all electricity generation and distribution enterprises are certified for compliance with the requirements of the international standard. At the company’s coal enterprises, thanks to the implemented standards, the occupational health and safety management systems meet the requirements of international standards as much as possible.

The policy is the official statement of the Company about the commitments made regarding labor safety issues and is the basis for setting goals and objectives in the field of labor protection. For its implementation, enterprises have developed and implemented corporate standards and tools aimed at creating safe working conditions and preventing industrial injuries and accidents. These are occupational safety committees, risk assessment, risk management using elements, internal investigations of incidents and events, audits and intra-departmental control of occupational health and safety, management of dangerous actions and situations using a continuous improvement system, visualization, motivation systems, training and many other tools .


The field of labor protection

The occupational health and safety training system supports the necessary qualification level of employees and the readiness to perform professional duties in accordance with safety requirements. For this, various types of instruction, training, training and knowledge control are used.

All companies have a system of video briefings before the shift. They train and check the knowledge of employees with the help of an information computer system. In its database there are various occupational health and safety programs that include both legislative and corporate requirements. In order to learn work performance technologies and corporate labor protection standards at mine managements, employees are trained twice a year away from production.

Employees are trained and advanced in training and production centers. Exclusive training and control computer programs and simulators, modern equipment and techniques are used here. With their help, employees learn the rules of labor protection, fire safety and technical operation of equipment and acquire the necessary skills for safe and effective operation and repair of power plant equipment. Training preparation can be completed without leaving production.