Safety rules should be followed

Methods of analysis

Analysis methods can be divided into two categories: qualitative and quantitative. Both approaches aim to find cause-and-effect relationships between hazards at the system level

The complexities of technical systems, improvements in structure and materials, scheduled inspections, reliable design and redundant redundancy reduce risks but increase costs. Risks can be reduced to the level accepted in the world. Traditionally, security analysis methods rely solely on the skills and experience of a security engineer. Unlike traditional methods, model-based methods help to derive cause-and-effect relationships from a system model.

The labor protection service monitors the level of safety of production equipment, its condition, and also makes sure that absolutely all workers hired at the enterprise learn safe work techniques.

It is necessary to pay great attention to the improvement of working conditions at workplaces, and these are:

  • ensuring good ventilation in production premises, good lighting, getting rid of dust in working areas, getting rid of production waste in time, maintaining and regulating the temperature in workshops and workplaces;
  • during the operation of the equipment, eliminating the possibility of accidents, breakage of grinding wheels, breakage of fast-rotating disc saws, explosion of vessels, splashing of acids, emission of molten metals, salts and flames from heating devices, electric shock, sudden switching on of electrical installations, etc.;
  • organization of familiarization of employees entering work with all the rules of behavior on the territory of the enterprise, as well as with all the rules of safety technology, there should be constant training and verification of the employees’ knowledge of safety rules;
  • workers must be provided with occupational health and safety instructions that apply within the limits of this enterprise, as well as at production sites and workshops in a prominent place, there should be informational corners with posters that clearly illustrate dangerous places of production and safe methods of performing work.

For any enterprise, there are a number of safety rules that should be followed:

  • if the employee is assigned to perform a new, previously unfamiliar job, additional training on labor protection issues should be conducted during the performance of this task;
  • when performing any work, the employee should remain alert, should not be distracted by extraneous matters and conversations, as well as distract others.

While on the access roads, on the territory, in the production and administrative premises of the enterprise, it is necessary to comply with the following requirements:

  • it is forbidden for employees to visit other people’s workshops without the need for it;
  • it is necessary to carefully monitor the signals given by the drivers of transport moving on the territory of the enterprise or crane operators of electric cranes, they should be followed;
  • it is forbidden to be under the lifted cargo, it is necessary to bypass the places of unloading and loading of goods;
  • it is forbidden to open the doors of electrical cabinets, assemblies, as well as to touch the terminals, electrical equipment, fittings of general lighting and power lines;
  • if the worker is not assigned to work on mechanisms, machines and machines by the supervisor of his shop, then he has no right to turn them on or stop them, let alone work on them.

There are also some special security requirements. Before starting work, the employee must:

  • check the condition of your work clothes: tie a large rubber band or fasten the cuffs of the sleeves, tuck the clothes in such a way that the ends of the clothes do not flutter, remove the ends of the handkerchief, kerchiefs and ties, put on a tight headdress and hide your hair under it;
  • wear work shoes, but it is worth remembering that it is forbidden to work in light shoes (sandals, slippers, sandals), as it is possible to injure your feet;
  • carefully inspect the workplace, put it in order, remove everything that interferes with the work, and place the necessary devices and tools in a safe and convenient place, then make sure that the devices and work tools are in good condition;
  • if an electric portable lamp is needed during operation, it is necessary to check the presence of a protective net, the insulation of the rubber tube and the serviceability of the cord, the voltage of such a lamp should not be higher than 36 Volts;
  • make sure that the floor at the workplace is in perfect condition, without slippery surfaces, without potholes, and that dangerous places are fenced off;
  • when working with lifting machines that are controlled from the floor, it is necessary to check their serviceability by lifting the load to a small height, as well as make sure that the brakes, load-catching devices, chains and slings are in good working order.

Therefore, if even such safety requirements are met, it is possible to significantly reduce the probability of injury to an employee during the performance of work at the factory.

In each branch of the economy there are mandatory rules of TB, which are approved by the central committee of the relevant trade union. The rules and norms of safe work are scientifically substantiated, technical means and organizational measures for occupational safety are developed in research institutes, committees, and educational institutions.

Managers of enterprises and institutions must implement the necessary industrial sanitation measures in accordance with the current safety rules and regulations. Violation of rules is subject to strict administrative and criminal liability. The improvement is closely related to technical progress, which makes it possible to achieve complete occupational safety. Mandatory safety equipment requirements are legislated in labor legislation, in special instructions, orders, etc. Safety measures are carried out at the enterprise on the basis of a collective agreement.